ISPOR 2021 runs between May 17-20 with the theme of HEOR: Evolving for Tomorrow’s Challenges. During the conference, PDCI Market Access will be presenting a poster titled: Identification of Gaps and Opportunities for Provincial Reimbursement of Oncology Companion Diagnostics in Canada on May 18th 2021 from 11:30:00 AM to 1:45:00 PM . For those attending the conference, PDCI extends an invitation to join our presentation.
As more specialized treatments enter the Canadian marketplace, some have been accompanied by companion diagnostics (CDx), especially in the case of oncology drugs. These tests are incredibly important as they are often used in clinical practice to drive treatment decisions. PDCI undertook an analysis to identify the assessment process for CDx across Canada. The research also aimed to identify gaps and challenges in the reimbursement pathway for CDx.

The submitted poster can be accessed here.
For further inquiries about this poster, please contact John-Paul Dowson, Director, Strategic Consulting & Policy Research , at PDCI Market Access.