In December 2015, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) posted a Notice and Comment seeking stakeholder comments on the following proposed changes: Reasonable Relationship Test (Schedule 4) Amendment List Price relative to Maximum Average Potential Price (MAPP) Verification (Section C.11) Amendment Subsequent to stakeholder feedback received during the public comment period, ... Read More


As part of the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS), the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has recently released a report entitled, Generics360 – Generic Drugs in Canada, 2014. Through this newly named report series, the PMPRB monitors and reports on: the latest developments in generic drug pricing and markets ... Read More


The Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has released their highly anticipated Strategic Plan 2015-2018. The PMPRB’s three-year strategic plan includes four new strategic objectives, a reinvigorated mission statement, and a vision as to how the organization can work with partners and stakeholders in advancing the common goal of ... Read More


The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB), in accordance with sections 89 and 100 of the Patent Act, has released the Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2014. This year, the format has been updated, adopting a more user-friendly design highlighting the PMPRB activities and emphasizing important trends. Below ... Read More


2015 FCA 249  Attorney General of Canada v Sandoz (A-302-14) & v ratiopharm (now Teva) (A-303-14). The central issue in both appeals is whether the Federal Court judge properly held that Sandoz and ratiopharm (collectively the respondents) fell outside of the jurisdiction of the Board as they were not “patentees” within ... Read More


Topics covered in the NEWSletter include: Soliris Pre-Hearing Conference New Staff Member – Legal Services Update: Compendium of Policies, Guidelines and Procedures Part C – Guidelines and Procedures Schedule 9 – CPI-Adjustment Methodology Schedule 2 – Comparable Dosage Forms 2016 HDAP Meeting Schedule & Filing Requirements: February 29 May 2 September 12 November 28 PMPRB Transition to Canada.ca Update: Germany Recognized Price Source Summary ... Read More


PMPRB The PMPRB has released its January 2015 NEWSletter Topics covered in the NEWSletter include: Final 2014 CPI-Based Price-Adjustment Factors: The final CPI figures for 2014 are now available. Of note: The actual CPI-based price-adjustment factor for 2 year (2012) and 3 year (2011) are lower than forecast. As a result, some manufacturers/patentees may ... Read More


Included in this edition are: PMPRB Town Hall Meeting PMPRB Staff held a Town Hall meeting on October 1 at the Ottawa Convention Centre. Discussions involved PMPRB Staff taking a fresh look at the organization’s vision and mandate, potential new strategic priorities for the PMPRB and how to operationalize them moving forward. ... Read More


PMPRB The Chairperson of the Board has approved a Voluntary Compliance Undertaking submitted by Valeant Canada LP regarding the price of Lodalis (colesevelam hydrochloride). For more information regarding the VCU, please consult the PMPRB website.


The next PMPRB OUTREACH Sessions will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 in Montreal, followed by Wednesday, December 3, 2014 in Toronto. Rumoured topics to be covered include: Changes to current international price source formularies referenced by Board Staff (specifically Germany) Supplementary price sources Updates on Form 2 regulatory amendments undergoing Canada Gazette ... Read More