Private: Gallery Post #1


The PMPRB has issued the final version of the PMPRB Guidelines to support the implementation of Patented Medicines Regulations (Regulations) changes coming into force on January 1st, 2021. Highlights of Changes Include:... Read More


After a week delay, the PMPRB Final Guidelines are expected to be issued mid-morning, tomorrow, October 23rd, 2020.  PDCI will be hosting our free webinar on Thursday, October 29th, 2020 from 1:00-2:30pm. Lead by the PDCI Pricing Team, the webinar will provide an in-depth walkthrough of the changes and ... Read More


After much anticipation, the issuance of the PMPRB Guidelines has been delayed. The revised date of publication is uncertain at this time. Due to this announcement, PDCI will be postponing its webinar focused on the final guidelines originally scheduled for Tuesday, October 20, 2020. Additional information will ... Read More


On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, from 10:30-12:00pm, please join PDCI Market Access for a free in-depth walk-through of the long anticipated final PMPRB guidelines. The PDCI Pricing team (Kimberly Robinson, Dylan Lamb-Palmer, Jennifer Mathews and Mevin Mathew) will present a deep dive into the technical aspects of these changes and what they mean for grandfathered ... Read More


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review process updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information, please consult the CADTH website.... Read More


SAVE THE DATE - PDCI Market Access Inc., Canada’s leading pricing and reimbursement consultancy, will be hosting a FREE webinar session relating to the long anticipated final guidelines published by the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB). The webinar will take place ... Read More


Over the last few months, PDCI Market Access Inc., Connex Health and H3 Consulting have undertaken an initiative to better understand the Canadian private payer product listing agreement (PLA) landscape and how it has evolved ... Read More




At PDCI Market Access Inc., our vision at PDCI is to be your most trusted and valued pricing and reimbursement strategic partner. To ensure we continue to meet the strategic needs of our customers in the face of the ever-changing Canadian reimbursement landscape, we’ve expanded our Health Economic ... Read More


The August 2020 issue of Cell & Gene Therapy Insights, has a focus on Market access: evolving commercialization trends and strategies.  PDCI Market Access’ very own Neil Palmer is featured as a guest editor and the author of the article, Under construction: roadmaps for HTA, pricing and ... Read More