Private: Gallery Post #1


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CADTH reimbursement review process updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information, please consult the CADTH website.... Read More


The PMPRB has published the long awaited 2019 Annual Report. The following are some of the high-level takeaways: Sales of patented medicines in Canada reached $17.2 billion in 2019, a moderate increase of 3.5% from the ... Read More


This is a reminder that PDCI is inviting all stakeholders to share their input for public awareness and information. PDCI strives to support timely transparency around public policy consultations and invites organizations and individuals to share their submissions here so ideas ... Read More


On January 15, 2021, PMPRB invited stakeholders to comment on two key amendments to the final guidelines that were originally to come into affect for January 1, 2021 but were delayed to July 1, 2021. PMPRB received 48 submissions in response to the definition of Gap Medicines and ... Read More


Biomanufacturing Consultations - Consultations Open Until March 12 Earlier this year, the Government of Canada invited submissions on the topic of considering the creation of new biomanufacturing capacity for Canadians. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), in partnership ... Read More


PDCI Market Access has further expanded its HTA Team! Chris joins PDCI as a Senior Health Economist. Chris holds a MSc. in Health Services Research from the University of ... Read More


On December 29, 2020, the coming into force date for the amended PMPRB regulations and guidelines were further delayed to July 1, 2021.  The PMPRB has invited stakeholders to comment on two critical amendments to the regulations with responses due by February 15th. Specifically, the PMPRB proposes ... Read More


On January 13th 2021, as a consequence of the new PMPRB coming-into-force date, PMPRB has invited stakeholders to comment on two proposed amendments to the New Guidelines.  The two amendments pertain to (A) the Definition of Gap Medicines and (B) Compliance Timelines with Maximum List ... Read More


The PMPRB has released a list of potential sources for prices in the PMPRB 11 basket of reference countries. A non-exhaustive list of examples of potential foreign sources can be found here. Starting July 1, 2021, the Patented Medicines Regulations will require patentees to ... Read More


The delay in the implementation of the new Patented Medicines Regulations to July 1, 2021 means that patentees can take 2021 price increases on medicines under PMPRB jurisdiction. PMPRB has released the 2021 CPI-Based Price-Adjustment Factors for Patented Drug ... Read More