Private: Gallery Post #1


Drug manufacturer submission deadlines for listing on the AHWDBL have been updated.


As part of the Alberta Government’s 2013-2014 budget announced last week, a new generic drug pricing rule is effective in the province beginning today. Formerly priced at about 35 percent of the brand price, generic drugs will be 18 percent of the corresponding brand drug price for public ... Read More



CDR Update — Issue 98

CDR Update — Issue 98: The final CDR Update of 2013, Issue #98, provides updates on the following: Submission queuing and CDEC Meeting Schedule: CADTH has recently initiated the review of queued Common Drug Review (CDR) submissions on a first-come, first-served basis. As the earliest targeted CDEC meeting date for the recently ... Read More


CADTH has completed an environmental scan on Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEB) to support SEB related health care decision-making and policy development in Canada. The report, titled Subsequent Entry Biologics – Emerging Trends in Regulatory Health Technology Assessment Framework, aimed to address three topics concerning SEBs including ... Read More


CADTH will begin posting patient input submissions, received on or after February 1, 2014, for drugs reviewed through the Common Drug Review. Earlier this year CADTH invited stakeholder comments and feedback regarding its posting of Patient Input Submissions (CDR Update — Issue 89). After considering the feedback ... Read More


Please note the cancellation of the April 16, 2014 meeting of the Canadian Drug Expert Committee Meeting schedule. See the CDEC Meeting Schedule for more information on the tentative dates.


The Federal / Provincial / Territorial Deputy Ministers of Health recently announced the transfer of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) effective April 1, 2014. This decision was made to further consolidate policy direction across different drug ... Read More



New PDCI Study!

Looking at the Issues and Opportunities of the Orphan Drug Regulatory, Pricing and Reimbursement landscape in Canada. If you are interesting in joining the study, contact to participate! Now Available! C-MAP™ Canadian Drug Benefit Plans Reference Guide 2014 Edition The ... Read More


The Federal / Provincial / Territorial Deputy Ministers of Health recently announced the transfer of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) effective April 1, 2014. This decision was made to further consolidate policy direction across different drug ... Read More




Actual CPI in 2013 and implications for PMPRB price compliance Statistic Canada has released the final Consumer Price Index (CPI) figure for 2013 with full year annual inflation as measured by CPI increasing by 0.9% over 2012. For PMPRB price compliance, this is important for two reasons. ... Read More