Private: Gallery Post #1


Did you or your organization submit written comments to the recent national pharmacare consultation? If so, PDCI has volunteered to accumulate & share submissions from all stakeholders on a centrally located webpage available here. If you would like your voice added to this important policy discussion, please send ... Read More


***Participation Requested*** Sharing Responses to the National Pharmacare Public Consultation Announced in the 2018 federal budget and chaired by former Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins, the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare is currently engaging in a national dialogue on how the federal government could implement ... Read More


PMPRB published its 2017 annual report this week, recalling an eventful year (complete with proposed amendments to its overarching regulations, poised to fundamentally change its future mandate & operations) and looking forward in 2018 to working constructively with stakeholders to finalize its Guidelines modernization initiative, underway since 2016. PMPRB 2017 Annual ... Read More


Last week, CADTH shared its new Procedure and Submission Guidelines for the CADTH Common Drug Review document which combines the previously separate procedure and submission guidelines into a single document. Manufacturers are encouraged to follow the new guidelines immediately, however new submission requirements will be only be enforced for ... Read More


Health Canada, CADTH, and Quebec’s Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) have officially launched efforts to align regulatory and health technology assessment (HTA) drug reviews for eligible submissions, effective immediately. Background The new process stems from Health Canada and HTAs recognizing the need for greater coordination of the ... Read More


On June 13, 2018, after considerable time in development, the pCPA released its Brand Process Guidelines for external feedback. The pCPA is interested in receiving feedback from all sectors with a stake in the negotiation process: brand and generic pharmaceutical companies, patient organizations, and other interested parties. The guidance documents, which ... Read More


2019 CDEC Meeting Schedule Released A new schedule format includes submission deadlines and guidance on when manufacturers can expect embargoed and final recommendations. Updated Advance Notification Form (effective immediately) New form includes an acknowledgement that information provided in the form may be shared with federal, provincial and territorial ... Read More


PMPRB has released its May 2018 NEWSletter which includes anticipated updates on PMPRB’s timelines for its Guidelines modernization initiative: June 2018: PMPRB to release more specific guidance on how the PMPRB foresees operationalizing regulatory changes PMPRB to form a multi-stakeholder Working Group to gather input on key technical aspects of ... Read More


The pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA) updated the status of negotiations on brand name drugs as of April 30th, 2018:  46 negotiations are currently underway with 7 new files added since the last update of March 31st, 2018: Adlyxine (lixisenatide): Used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus Ilaris (canakinumab): Used ... Read More


On April 27, 2018, Québec’s Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) released a notice to manufacturers advising that their submission guide document, submission checklists and various forms and letter templates have been updated effective immediately. For more information, please consult the following link or the ... Read More