Private: Gallery Post #1


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review processes updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information on this review, please consult the CADTH’s website. CADTH has three new consultations ... Read More


Each month the pCPA issues an update on the previous month’s negotiation activity. Below you will find an overview of the new pCPA activity along with PDCI insights into recent developments for your interest. Summary of New pCPA Activity Since Last Update Category New File... Read More


Each month the pCPA issues an update on the previous month’s negotiation activity. In the summary below you will find an overview of the new pCPA activity along with PDCI insights into recent developments for your information. Summary of New pCPA Activity Since Last Update... Read More


Effective June 14, 2019, Mélanie Bourassa Forcier is Vice-Chairperson of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB)    Professor Bourassa Forcier is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at the Université de Sherbrooke, and directs the Law and Health Policy, and Law and Life Sciences programs. ... Read More


New “PROVISIONAL ALGORITHMS” at the Centre of Changes to Cancer Therapy Reviews  Effective July 1, 2019, process and operational changes will be made to integrate the functions of the Cancer Drug Implementation Advisory Committee (CDIAC) to CADTH and its pCODR process. Solicitation of stakeholder feedback began in March of this year.  The integration of CDIAC into the pCODR process is intended to further enhance transparency of cancer ... Read More


Mark down June 26th, 2019 in your calendars. It is now widely expected the patented medicines price regulations will be in Canada Gazette Part II (CGII), volume 151 No.13, which will be released on June 26th. Draft PMPRB Guidelines for consultation will likely be published immediately following CGII publication. Comments earlier this week from Federal Health Minister Petitpas-Taylor, appeared to confirm these expectations. When asked in an interview surrounding when changes to the ... Read More


On June 6th, 2019, Dr. Eric Hoskins, Chair of the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare, along with Mr. Vincent Dumez, Member of the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare announced the Advisory Council’s final recommendations and released the final report. One key issue to bear ... Read More


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Review Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review processes updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information on this review, please consult the CADTH’s website. There are seven important announcements from CADTH: ... Read More


Each month the pCPA issues an update on the previous month’s negotiation activity. In Table 1 below you will find an overview of the new pCPA activity along with PDCI insights into recent developments for your interest. PDCI Target Insights (since last pCPA ... Read More


Bill Morneau released his fourth Federal Budget in the House of Commons at 4pm today. Year in Review: In 2018, the federal budget established an independent Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare. Over the past year, the Advisory Council, lead by Dr. Eric Hoskins, released a discussion paper in ... Read More