Private: Gallery Post #1


Good Afternoon, At PDCI Market Access Inc. (“PDCI”) we are committed to providing high quality services and deliverables to our clients. We also recognize the important responsibility we all have to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on the information received to date, we are currently implementing the following accommodations ... Read More


PMPRB Cancellation of March 18th Policy Forum The Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has announced the cancellation of its Policy Forum expected to be held on March 18th, 2020 amid the evolving COVID-19 situation. In order to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to convey information that may ... Read More


On November 21, 2019, the PMPRB published its draft Guidelines and launched a public consultation as a step towards implementing the recently amended Patented Medicines Regulations. Since then, the PMPRB has engaged with stakeholders to obtain feedback on its proposed pricing Guidelines. The consultation period closed on February 14, ... Read More


Each month the pCPA issues an update on the previous month’s negotiation activity. Below, you will find an overview of the new pCPA activity along with PDCI insights into recent developments for your interest. Summary of New pCPA Activity Since ... Read More


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review process updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information, please consult the CADTH website. In this Pharmaceutical Reviews Update, CADTH made program updates ... Read More


Following the publication of the PMPRB Draft Guidelines on Nov 21, 2019, PDCI undertook an analysis to critically assess the impact of the PMPRB regulatory changes published in August 2019, as proposed to be implemented in the Draft Guidelines. Top-Line Summary The PMPRB regulatory changes and Draft ... Read More


W. Neil Palmer In its December 2019 NEWSletter[1], the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) is “reminding” patentees that they are required under the Patent Act (the Act) and the Patented Medicines Regulations (the Regulations) to file all zero-dollar sales, referring specifically to free goods. This “reminder” is troubling ... Read More


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review process updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information, please consult the CADTH website.  CADTH released new updates to economic Category 1 Requirements ... Read More


Recently, the deadline for providing written submissions on the PMPRB’s proposed new Guidelines was extended until January 31, 2020. As part of the ongoing consultation process, the PMPRB has reserved three days in January for bilateral meetings with individual patentees: January 8, 9, and 10, 2020. Meetings will be scheduled on ... Read More


Each month the pCPA issues an update on the previous month’s negotiation activity. Below, you will find an overview of the new pCPA activity along with PDCI insights into recent developments for your interest.             ... Read More