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An updated table with the targeted Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC) meeting dates is now available on the CADTH website A CDEC meeting will be held in December 2014 as part of an initiative to eliminate an accumulation of CDR submissions. CADTH is extending the pilot process for receiving patient input ... Read More


Effective July 2, 2014, patient groups will now have 35 business days to prepare and submit their patient input submissions to CDR This is possible due to the mandatory pre-submission advance notice policy which will be going into effect the same day. As per the policy, manufacturers must provide a minimum ... Read More


CDR Consultation – Patient Input Template for Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEB) CADTH has developed a patient input template for SEBs and is now seeking feedback on the proposed template. Feedback should be emailed by June 6, 2014 to Temporary Suspension of a CDR Review Due to Incomplete Information CADTH has recently encountered CDR submissions with ... Read More


Common Drug Review (CDR) introduces new application fee for submissions The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) is introducing an industry application fee for submissions made by drug manufacturers to CDR effective September 1, 2014 (April 1, 2015 for drugs submitted to the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review). All submissions with a ... Read More


CDEC will review and provide recommendations on reimbursement of drugs for rare diseases (DRDs) according to an enhanced Common Drug Review approach, as per news released today in CDR Update- Issue 103. CADTH incorporated suggestions from stakeholder feedback (invited in October ... Read More


The Federal / Provincial / Territorial Deputy Ministers of Health recently announced the transfer of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) effective April 1, 2014. This decision was made to further consolidate policy direction across different drug ... Read More