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CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Reviews Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review processes updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information on this review, please consult the CADTH’s website. CADTH has three new consultations ... Read More


New “PROVISIONAL ALGORITHMS” at the Centre of Changes to Cancer Therapy Reviews  Effective July 1, 2019, process and operational changes will be made to integrate the functions of the Cancer Drug Implementation Advisory Committee (CDIAC) to CADTH and its pCODR process. Solicitation of stakeholder feedback began in March of this year.  The integration of CDIAC into the pCODR process is intended to further enhance transparency of cancer ... Read More


CADTH’s Pharmaceutical Review Updates are used to communicate new CDR and pCODR drug review processes updates to the public. PDCI has outlined below the key highlights from the most recent update. For more information on this review, please consult the CADTH’s website. There are seven important announcements from CADTH: ... Read More


On February 28, 2019, Health Canada and CADTH, with INESSS participating as an observer, announced a new joint Early Parallel Scientific Advice collaboration. The initiative seeks to provide more timely access to medicines for Canadians. Through this initiative, drug sponsors will obtain advice in parallel from Health Canada and ... Read More


CADTH is launching a new Patient and Community Advisory Committee After talks with patient groups this past fall, CADTH is creating a 12-person advisory committee to discuss the experiences of patients and family caregivers in Canada. They invite nominations for those with extensive experience as a patient or family caregiver in ... Read More


In keeping with our continuing efforts to support transparency and share input submissions for public policy consultations, PDCI is hosting responses to a recent CADTH survey that was conducted on behalf of the Provincial/Territorial (P/T) Expensive Drugs for Rare Disease Working Group (EDRD WG). The EDRD WG sought public feedback ... Read More


On February 6, 2019, CADTH announced a new collaboration with England’s NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) to offer Parallel Scientific Advice to pharmaceutical companies. Participating pharmaceutical companies will receive advice simultaneously from CADTH and NICE to facilitate evidence generation for the Canadian and English markets. This new opportunity ... Read More


New updates from pCODR are as follows: Webinar on Clinician Input and Feedback Seminar CADTH is hosting a webinar in collaboration with Innovation Medicines Canada (IMC) on January 22nd, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST, to provide detailed information about this process and new tools being offered for clinicians. This webinar ... Read More


Last week, CADTH shared its new Procedure and Submission Guidelines for the CADTH Common Drug Review document which combines the previously separate procedure and submission guidelines into a single document. Manufacturers are encouraged to follow the new guidelines immediately, however new submission requirements will be only be enforced for ... Read More


Health Canada, CADTH, and Quebec’s Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) have officially launched efforts to align regulatory and health technology assessment (HTA) drug reviews for eligible submissions, effective immediately. Background The new process stems from Health Canada and HTAs recognizing the need for greater coordination of the ... Read More