Common Drug Review patient input submission system
- CADTH has added new safeguards allowing them to better track submissions automatically:
- Online & email confirmations for successful uploads
- Submissions can now be uploaded until midnight on the date of the specified deadline, in all Canadian time zones
2015 CADTH Symposium
- CADTH is offering funding to help patient groups attend the 2015 Symposium in Saskatoon (April 12-14, 2015) – applications due by December 5, 2014
- The deadline to submit an abstract is October 31, 2014
Conflict of interest declarations
- Patient input submissions must specify sources of funding, specifically the names of all manufacturers and not just the manufacturer of the drug under review
- Declaration of conflict of interest does not negate or preclude the use of patient input.
For more information regarding the October CADTH Update for Patient Groups, please see the CADTH website.