On August 14, 2017, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) released a new CDR Update (Issue 126) describing the following changes to the Common Drug Review (CDR) process.
- Extended Initiation Range for December 2017 CDEC Meeting
CADTH has extended the initiation range for Common Drug Review (CDR) submissions targeting the December 13, 2017 Canadian Drug Expert Committee (CDEC) meeting. Reviews initiated by August 23, 2017 will target the December 2017 CDEC meeting (revised from August 14, 2017). This revision has been made to increase the number of drugs on the agenda for the December meeting, allowing CADTH to maximize its available resources. CADTH will notify any manufacturers that are affected by this revision.
- Posting of Key Milestones for CDR Projects
Key milestones for CDR submissions, resubmissions, and requests for advice will now be posted within the webpage of each individual drug on the CADTH website. This new status report format applies to all submissions, resubmissions, and requests for advice received after April 1, 2017.
Note: Key milestones are posted only once a submission, resubmission, or request for advice project status changes from pending to received.
Submission Status Reports will continue to be updated and posted as PDF files for active submissions and resubmissions that were received before April 1, 2017.
For further information, please refer to the CADTH website.