PDCI Market Access Inc. is pleased to share its best practices infographic focused on Requesting Reconsideration under the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) Procedures for the Common Drug Review (CDR). While optional and only appropriate in select circumstances, manufacturers should not overlook this potential opportunity to further demonstrate their product’s value in the health technology assessment (HTA) process, and perhaps even change a negative recommendation into a positive one.
The infographic, available for download, can be found here.
Note that CADTH is currently revising its procedures for drug reimbursement reviews. The proposed revised process is open for stakeholder consultation until August 10, 2020. PDCI will update the infographic, as needed, upon implementation of the new procedures from CADTH.
For further questions and inquiries, please contact Ara Salazar, Director, Market Access at PDCI Market Access.